Preparing for the launch...

Hello my friends and fellow educators,

REVERSED: A MEMOIR IS IN ITS FINAL STAGES BEFORE PUBLICATION...though I feels like it's progressing at a snail’s pace. Currently, it's going back and forth to the formatters, ironing out many of the inconsistencies discovered when taking a closer look at a long piece of work (especially since I've reread it 5,000 times).

I am desperate to hold a hard copy in my hands. But, after two years of writing and editing, I can wait a few more weeks.

In the meantime, I've been nonstop working with my PR agent and media contacts to get as much press out there for the March release. This Saturday, February 3, I'll be speaking on voicEd Radio at 4pm, reading excerpts from my book, poems and books that I love, and giving a taste of the publishing process.

And so continues the crazy process of publishing a book.
